Thursday 28 January 2010

It's a Pearl world

How exciting, one of my friends is getting married and I have a very important task. Need to create some beautiful jewellery for her special day. The girl wants pearls and pearls she should have.

When I think of pearls I think of class, chic,trendy, glamour, style, glow and beauty. And when I look at pictures of beautiful women who have worn pearls throughout the years one more word comes to my mind......... Timeless that's what they are.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Carla for your commitment in taking time for creating something exclusively for me to wear on my special day! It is so thoughtful of you to actually ponder in designing a piece of jewellery, or actually I should daresay a piece of art, which will surely be of timeless beauty! Thanks so much...looking forward to wearing it, Thanks Maria
